Endorsers of Measure R, the Eureka Fair Wage Act
From Yes on R (Fair Wage Folks)/Oct. 13, 2014, 11:22 a.m.
•Humboldt & Del Norte Central Labor Council
•Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee
•California United Homecare Workers [CUHW]
•Eureka Teachers Association
•Roosevelt Institute at HSU
•Humboldt County Green Party
•SEIU Local 1021- 54,000 workers in NorCal
•United Food & Commercial Workers Local #5
•Operating Engineers Union local #3
•Building & Construction Trades Council of Humboldt & Del Norte Counties
•Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Social Action Committee
•Progressive Democrats
•American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Local 1684, AFL-CIO [AFSCME]
•Coalition for Grassroots Progress
•Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County [DUHC]
•Eureka City Councilmember Linda Atkins
•former Arcata Mayor & City Councilmember Shane Brinton
•former Eureka City Councilmember Chris Kerrigan
•Natalie Arroyo, Eureka City Council candidate
•Kim Bergel, Eureka City Council candidate