Gregory Daggett Joining November race for Arcata City Council

From Gregory Daggett/Sept. 6, 2024, 12:43 p.m.

Native Californian Gregory Daggett has announced that he will be running for Arcata City

Council in this November’s election. Daggett has been an active participant at Arcata City

Council, the Planning Commission, and various committee meetings for many years now, and

decided to run for City Council in an effort to promote enhanced long-term strategic planning

and improved transparency in city activities.


Daggett will bring a unique combination of expertise and passions to the City Council. It begins

with his deep connection with the natural world, fostered through his life-long love for outdoor

activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking, a passion that led him to pursue education in

environmental science and support urban planning initiatives and sustainable practices.


His professional journey began at Gladding McBean & Co., the 140-year old leader in industrial

terra cotta, clay, and tile products, where he oversaw architectural restorations on a global

scale. He continued at companies including Heath Ceramics, Sonoma Tilemakers, and the

environmental consulting company Sidera, building expertise in project management, business

development, and environmental sustainability. Notably, he spearheaded initiatives that halved

natural gas consumption and integrated recycling processes into product development.


Since making Arcata his home in 2017, Daggett has been engaged in architectural design and

historical preservation work, which has given him an in-depth understanding of the implications

of design guidelines and zoning codes in defining the character and growth of a community.

Daggett is also a professional artist, receiving his MFA from the University of Santa Barbara and

teaching art at the university level for seven years. He continues creating unique ceramic and

bronze pieces, now focused primarily on large-scale installations blending ceramic elements

with stone, wood, and metal and integrating film and painted overlays. Environmental themes

underlie his works, struggling with the clash between the natural world and man’s destructive

impact on it.


Daggett’s dedication to Arcata is evident through his hands-on involvement in local governance

and environmental advocacy. He has not only contributed to the city’s heritage through the

restoration of historic architecture but has also been a vocal participant in City Council and

Planning Commission meetings.


He notes that “for over two years, I have been deeply involved in understanding and providing input on environmental impact reviews for significant projects ike Cal Poly Humboldt and the Gateway Area Plan 2045. I’ve actively participated in updates addressing Sea Level Rise (SLR) and the Local Coastal Plan, contributing to strategic planning for our Wastewater Treatment Plant, which includes integrating the California Coastal Act and pertinent SLR research. I continue to highlight concerns such as how the City of Arcata’s approval of the General Plan 2045,Gateway Area Plan, and Form Code could also lead to safety/legal conflicts raised by Arcata Fire District and the Humboldt Civil Grand Jury, which I presented to the City council before their approval. In the realm of transportation and safety, my efforts have been directed towards mitigating noise pollution and reducing the number of injuries and fatalities on Arcata’s roads.”


Daggett also points to his efforts to maintain Arcata’s character and livability by opposing the

conversion of L street into a thoroughfare as an indication of his commitment to preserving the

city’s charm while enhancing its safety and accessibility. In collaboration with fellow community

members with over 1,200 signatures in support of a car-free street, they challenged the City’s

plan to convert L Street into a thoroughfare.


Gregory’s proactive stance on addressing climate change, sea level rise, and sustainable housing

reflects a deep understanding of the intricate balance between development and

environmental stewardship. His platform prioritizes the health of our natural resources and the

well-being of future generations, advocating for responsible land development that harmonizes

with the environment, economy, and community needs.


When asked why he was running for City Council, Greg responded, “I am running to keep Arcata

affordable for everyone, restore public safety, improve the local economy, and protect the

financial well-being of our working families and students. I remain dedicated to the quality of

life in Arcata, fighting to keep our neighborhoods from being rezoned from low density to high

density four-story buildings.”


Daggett has developed goals and visions for the future of the City of Arcata that focus on

promoting environmental justice in local planning and sustainable development; enhancing

evidence-based city planning and infrastructure planning and management; housing

affordability, and transparent governance. He notes that “I will use my professional experience

and educational background in environmental and architectural design to create a vibrant

urban city plan for Arcata. My diverse experiences, both local and international, inform my

vision for Arcata—a community that thrives on ecological stewardship, cultural enrichment, and

economic vitality. I encourage anyone looking for a fresh voice with strategic urban planning

perspectives to vote for me on November 5th.”


Michael Winkler, former Mayor of the City of Arcata, gives his support and endorsement to

Gregory Daggett. Eric Loudenslager, Director, Arcata Fire Protection District Division 4, is also

supporting Daggett, saying, “During the development of the Gateway Area Plan and 2045

General Plan, Gregory Daggett was a consistent advocate encouraging the Planning Commission

and City Council to address the staffing and infrastructure needs of the Arcata Fire Protection

District (AFPD). Representing myself, not the AFPD Board or District, I support and endorse

Gregory’s candidacy for the Arcata City Council. I believe he would add an important

perspective to decisions regarding growth in Arcata.”


Anyone interested in learning more about Daggett’s ideas for the future of Arcata is encouraged

to contact him directly at be