Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee Unanimously Endorses Natalie Arroyo for Eureka City Council, 5th Ward
From Natalie Arroyo/Sept. 24, 2014, 5:03 p.m.
Eureka, California – August 14, 2014 - The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee has announced its endorsement of Candidate Natalie Arroyo for the 5th Ward seat of the Eureka City Council. The Committee unanimously voted at its meeting on August 13, 2014 in favor of endorsing Candidate Natalie Arroyo’s run for office. The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee is an organization whose purposes include encouragement and promotion of public interest and participation in political activity; assuring public understanding of the principles and issues involved in national, state, and local elections; supporting actively Democratic candidates for elective office; urging citizens to register and vote Democratic, and promoting the values and positions of the Democratic Party.
For more information about Natalie Arroyo, please visit www.VoteForNatalie.com or the Natalie Arroyo for Eureka City Council Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NatalieArroyoforCityCouncil.