Julie Ryan for HCSD earns Humboldt & Del Norte Counties Central Labor Council endorsement

From Julie Ryan/Sept. 24, 2022, 11:29 a.m.




​I am proud to announce that I have received the endorsement of the Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Central Labor Council. My family benefited from my father having a secure union job with fair wages and benefits and I am a lifelong union supporter. Unions represent the interests of working people and families. I am excited to see the resurgence in union organizing in the United States as a proven way for workers to receive their fair share of their hard work. My goal is to serve you, the ratepayers,  who live in the Humboldt Community Services District because you are the working families and neighbors who make this community a great place to live. 



Get involved: https://forms.gle/NfJf2QkvfNkWAARh8



Julie Ryan for Humboldt Community Services District



P.O. Box 6627

Eureka CA 95502