Karuk Tribes Endorses Steve Madrone for 5th District Supervisor
From Steve Madrone/May 27, 2022, 1:52 p.m.
The Karuk Tribe endorses Steve Madrone for 5th District Supervisor for Humboldt County. Mr. Madrone is a strong advocate for natural resources and will continue to be responsive to the ongoing needs of our Eastern Humboldt County communities.
Mr. Madrone has spent his entire adult career here in Humboldt County over the past 45 years working to restore salmon habitat. This work has been carried out in nearly every watershed in Humboldt County, working with tribes, agencies, and others to restore our fisheries. We are grateful for his service on the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors over the last four years.
As a teacher at Humboldt State University, Mr. Madrone welcomes Native American students and includes traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in his class offerings ensuring we can all learn from thousands of years of stable natural resources stewardship by local tribes. Steve is a great supporter of native culture and encourages the University to do more for local native students.
The tribe has many community building initiatives in need of partnership support from the County and will need responsive and energetically leadership to accomplish these goals.
The Karuk tribe looks forward to working with Mr. Madrone on solving problems in the Klamath River region and within our aboriginal territory. The future is complex and we have much to do.
Russell “Buster” Attebery
Chairman, Karuk Tribe