From Adrian Kamada/April 22, 2022, 12:19 p.m.
PRESS RELEASE - April 22, 2022
AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 1684 (AFL-CIO), has endorsed Adrian Kamada as Humboldt County’s next District Attorney.
AFSCME represents over 1,500 public employees who work in every department of Humboldt County government. They also represent workers for the Humboldt Transit Authority and the Superior Court of California, Humboldt County. They strive to create the best working conditions and fair compensation for the vital public-sector workers who keep Humboldt moving.
Drew Redden, Business Agent for Local 1684, wrote:
“The members enthusiastically urge voters to elect… Adrian Kamada for District Attorney, County of Humboldt. The members of AFSCME Local 1684, Humboldt County Public Employees’ Union, look forward to working in partnership with these fine candidates to accomplish many great things for the people of Humboldt County.”
Kamada noted that, coming shortly after an endorsement by the Humboldt and Del Norte Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO), unions representing over 6,500 local workers with good-paying jobs that support their families are now backing his candidacy to rebuild and reshape the District Attorney’s Office.
“The majority of the staff in the District Attorney’s office are members of AFSCME, which makes their backing especially meaningful to me”, said Kamada. “Their support adds to the broad range of people, liberal and conservative, older and younger, who recognize that partisan politics don’t belong in the criminal justice system. These are people who simply want to see justice applied evenly and efficiently so Humboldt County can move forward, not stay mired in the past”.
For more information about Adrian and his plans for the D.A.’s office go to www.AK4DA.com.
For the full list of endorsements go to https://www.ak4da.com/endorsements.
Vote-by-mail ballots are sent out May 9 and the election is held on June 7. No matter who you choose, everybody involved in the Kamada campaign urges you to let your voice be heard - vote.