Local Comedians to Compete in Showdown that will Benefit Campaign
From Arnie Klein/April 21, 2014, 3:17 p.m.
Local DJ Sherae O’Shaughnessy will host the first-ever Humboldt Comedy Showdown at HumBrews on May 7. Eris & Edrington Writing Company is presenting the event and donating the net profits to the Campaign to Elect Arnie Klein for Humboldt County District Attorney.
Local comedians will compete to be named the “Funniest Person at HumBrews on a Wednesday.” They’ll only get points for answers that make the audience laugh, and O’Shaughnessy will be the final judge and jury on that matter. Audience members will also have a chance to show their funny side and win a prize.
- When: Wednesday, May 7, 8 pm
- Where: HumBrews, 856 10th St., Arcata
- Why: Support the campaign and have a laughing good time!
Tickets are $10 at the door. Advance tickets available soon at HumBrews. See the event on Facebook.