Mad River Union Endorses Kimberley White for Arcata City Council
From Kimberley White/Nov. 5, 2022, 7:20 p.m.
Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
Mad River Union Endorses Kimberley White for Arcata City Council
From Kimberley White/November 4, 2022, 11:00 a.m.
November 4, 2022, 11:00 a.m. Arcata, Ca – Mad River Union endorses Kimberley White for Arcata City Council. “I am very honored to be endorsed by the Mad River Union”. According to the Mad River Union “Two City Council Candidates stand out as clear choices for Arcata this Nov. 8. Kimberley White has advocated for Arcata and its people in every venue she can find, from the streets of Arcata to the dais of the Planning Commission to the pages of this newspaper. She wants good things to happen, and is willing to work for them. Principled, relentless, goal oriented, compassionate, reliable and always kind, White offers the City Council much-needed Valley West and Latinx representation. She’s the perfect person for the times.”
Kimberley White for Arcata City Council 2022
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