Michael Winkler - Endorsement by Sierra Club for Re-Election to Arcata City Council
From Michael Winkler /Sept. 12, 2020, 4:37 p.m.
From: The Friends of Michael Winkler
I am honored to receive Sierra Club’s endorsement for my re-election to Arcata City Council.
As a Life Member of Sierra Club, I share Sierra Club’s commitment to creating a just and sustainable world.
For twelve years as a Council member, I have worked for Arcata to acquire forest land and open space, expand trails, use electricity exclusively from renewable sources and eliminate fossil fuels in City buildings and vehicles.
I played a key role in Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA) taking control of Humboldt County’s electricity supply from PG&E and rapidly moving toward 100% local, renewable electricity, through conservation, efficiency, solar and offshore wind.
I am committed to public transit, recycling and zero waste and have served on the Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA) and Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) boards.
As an energy engineer, I have worked on more than 200 large solar, all-electric affordable housing projects throughout California, Humboldt County and Arcata.
My long-term environmental goals for Arcata are:
· Phase out fossil fuels in buildings and vehicles throughout Arcata over the next 15 years
· Rehabilitate and preserve the Arcata Marsh Waste Treatment System
· Implement sea-level rise adaptation plan
· Complete the Arcata-Eureka and Annie and Mary rail trails
I would be honored to serve you four more years.