More Elected Officials Endorse Madrone for Re-Election
From Steve Madrone/May 27, 2022, 8:17 p.m.
Fifth District, Humboldt County, CA - Supervisor Steve Madrone announced more endorsements for his re-election bid from elected and former elected leaders in the 5th District and surroundings.
Third District Supervisor Mike Wilson, Trinidad City Council Member Cheryl Kelly, Trinidad City Council Member Jack West, McKinleyville CSD Chair David Couch, McKinleyville CSD Board Member Joellen Clarke-Peterson, Westhaven CSD Chair William Verick, Westhaven CSD Board Member David Hankin, former Trinidad City Council Member Tom Davies, former McKinleyville CSD Chair John Corbett and former McKinleyville CSD Board Member Mary Burke have joined the growing list of leaders who have voiced their support for Madrone’s re-election.
“Steve Madrone is by far the most responsive and hard-working Supervisor we’ve had,” said David Hankin, Board Member of the Westhaven CSD since 2015. “He is completely devoted to doing the very best job he can for all of his constituents.”
“I’m honored to have the support of these remarkable and dedicated leaders who work every day to help make our communities great places to live,” said Madrone. “It’s wonderful to have these working partnerships.”
“Supervisor Madrone’s dedication is yielding results across our District. He’s already brought in numerous state and national funds to benefit our community’s economy, safety and rivers and he is well-positioned to bring in more,” said Mary Burke, recent board member of the McKinleyville CSD.
“The support from each of these community leaders means a lot to me, and I’m excited about the great projects we’ll collaborate on to build a safe, vibrant and healthy community that benefits all of us.” said Madrone.
Madrone has already earned the endorsements of Congressman Jared Huffman, Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire, State Assemblyman Jim Wood, former State Senator Senator Wesley Chesbro, former Humboldt County Supervisors Julie Fulkerson, Bonnie Neely and John Woolley, Trinidad Mayor Steve Ladwig, 5th District Harbor Commissioner Patrick Higgins and 4th District Harbor Commissioner Richard Marks. Go to Madrone4supervisor.com for full list of endorsements.