Public Defender Ben McLaughlin Announces Monday Campaign Kick-off Experienced Attorney Runs for Open Judge Seat
From Ben McLaughlin/March 22, 2022, 11:45 a.m.
Eureka, CA. Ben McLaughlin hosted a Campaign Kick-off for the seat vacated by Judge Chris Wilson on Monday, March 21, 12:15 PM on the Plaza at the Foot of F Street, Eureka.
A McKinleyville resident, McLaughlin has 23 years’ experience, equally divided as a civil litigation attorney, Prosecutor in the DA’s Office, and Deputy Public Defender making him the most prepared on day one to conduct trials in all departments. McLaughlin is supported by former District Attorney Paul Gallegos along with current Public Defender Luke Brownfield and a host of others of all political persuasions, from Fortuna Councilmember (and former Law Enforcement Officer for 34 years) Mike Losey to retired Police Chiefs of Arcata and Eureka, Chapman and Watson.
“This community deserves a Superior Court Judge with the depth and breadth of experience that I bring to the Bench. It takes experience to understand the needs of the community and the ways in which to hold offenders accountable. There are times when an offender must go to prison, just as there are times offenders ought to have the opportunity to rehabilitate within our community. It takes experience to understand those differences.”
According to former Humboldt County Deputy District Attorney Tobias Hasler, “During my time opposing him as an advocate, he brought common sense, humility, and a respect for all participants in our local criminal justice system to court every day.”
Isabel French of Hydesville added, “Ben McLaughlin has excellent judgement and I wholeheartedly support his bid for Humboldt County judge. When our aging father’s mental health issues resulted in unsafe behavior and serious legal problems, Mr. McLaughlin did all he could to get him the treatment he so needed. Mr. McLaughlin is kind and good and we are forever grateful for everything he did for our family.