RCCER endorses Julie Ryan for Humboldt Community Services District

From Julie Ryan/Oct. 10, 2022, 8:18 p.m.



I am excited to announce that I have received the endorsement of the Redwood Coalition for Climate and Environmental Responsibility.


“The mission of the Redwood Coalition for Climate and Environmental Responsibility (RCCER, pronounced “rocker”) is to ensure that local elected officials and government agencies on California’s North Coast take robust, just, and equitable actions to address the climate crisis and other key environmental issues.”   https://www.rccer.com/


Over the years, my thoughts on conservation and the environment have evolved from recycling and personal actions to reduce one’s footprint to broader policy that can lift up people from all socio-economic backgrounds while conserving resources. The idea of using resources wisely is something that takes me back to being a Girl Scout in grade school. Conservation and taking care of the planet  makes sense and is achievable with a little creativity and elbow grease. Environmental responsibility is a great framework and  opportunity to create clean, green, living wage jobs and leave the world a better place starting now. 


My goal is to serve you, the ratepayers,  who live in the Humboldt Community Services District area  because you are the working families and neighbors who make this community a great place to live. 

“Julie Ryan is the right choice for the Humboldt Community Services District. Julie is

focused on protecting ratepayers and the environment by focusing on the efficient use

of resources. With her environmental planning background, Julie understands the

challenges of the job. We are confident that HCSD is in safe hands with Julie on the

Board.” — Colin Fiske, Co-Director of RCCER



Thank you RCCER! 


Julie Ryan for Humboldt Community Services District



P.O. Box 6627

Eureka CA 95502


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