Running for City Council
From John Fullerton/Nov. 7, 2022, 9:19 a.m.
I bring a varied set of experiences to the Eureka City Council if I am elected.
My little brother and I were raised by a single mom school teacher. We were so poor we literally put cardboard in our shoes to make them last longer. I worked my way through college hauling trash and had other students working for me.
My younger brother got into drugs and our family struggled with his addiction until his drug use finally caused his death about 15 years ago so I know the pain families go through when drugs and homelessness impact them.
I started my business in Old Town more than 30 years ago. My first month I grossed $25 BEFORE expenses and now have 8 employees. I built it by paying attention to details, planning ahead and listening to the public.
I believe strongly in volunteerism and have served the public in many ways. I was on the Eureka School Board for 12 years and on the Eureka Planning Commission for four years. I have also been on the Redwood Acres Fair Board, the Coast Central Bd of Directors, on the board of Redwood Community Action Agency and many others over the years. I hope to bring my experience, energy, leadership and talents to serve the people of Eureka on the Eureka City Council.
I would appreciate your vote on Nov 8th.