Unions Endorse Madrone for Supervisor in the 5th
From Steve Madrone/May 7, 2022, 12:39 p.m.
MCKINLEYVILLE, CA (May 7, 2022) - Fifth District Supervisor Steve Madrone has been endorsed by multiple unions and labor organizations in the upcoming primary election on June 7, including the Humboldt & Del Norte Central Labor Council; AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees); United Food and Commercial Workers Local 5; National Union of Healthcare Workers; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 551; Building and Construction Trades Council of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties; and Operating Engineers Local Union, Local No. 3.
“I am honored to again win the support and trust of the Central Labor Council and other unions,” said Supervisor Madrone. “I look forward to building on that trust and partnering with them to accomplish great projects that will benefit Humboldt County’s residents for a long time to come.”
“Supervisor Madrone has lived up to his campaign promises from four years ago,” said Labor Council President John Frahm. “He works hard for the residents of the 5th District, and all of Humboldt County’s working families, and he’s always made himself available to discuss important issues from transportation to cannabis, from aquaculture to energy resiliency. He’s there for us.”
“I fought hard for higher wages and benefits for county workers, upheld the need for union workers and good jobs during negotiations on large projects and will continue to do so in the future. We are fortunate to have strong and active unions advocating for working people in Humboldt County and I am proud to stand with them.”
Steve Madrone knows which side he’s on, to paraphrase a well-known labor song, and that’s the side of working people and families. Learn more at madrone4supervisor.com