From Adrian Kamada/May 11, 2022, 12:45 p.m.
PRESS RELEASE – May 11, 2022
The Yurok Tribe, California’s largest tribe of Native Americans, has endorsed Adrian Kamada for District Attorney.
Adrian is especially honored to receive this endorsement. He has met with the Yurok Tribal Council, Yurok Chief Judge Abby Abinanti, and others in the Yurok justice system. Through these meetings they discovered shared knowledge, principles, and ideas on how to move forward.
· Tribal diversion programs have more resources and, more importantly, culturally appropriate resources to help steer people away from bad choices. They are often the best option.
· Tribal justice issues are best handled through Tribal Courts whenever possible, for the same reasons.
· A more thoughtful, well-researched, and binding agreement between the Yurok Tribe and Humboldt County needs to be reached that respects Tribal sovereignty and overall public safety.
“The Native American population of Humboldt County has been marginalized since colonization began. As District Attorney I will do everything within my power to end that marginalization in the criminal justice system,” said Kamada.
The Yurok Tribe joins AFSCME, the Humboldt Del Norte Central Labor Council, the Times-Standard, the Humboldt County Democrats, the Redwood Coalition for Climate and Environmental Responsibility, attorneys, law enforcement, medical professionals, educators, and hundreds of community members in endorsing Adrian Kamada as your next District Attorney.
For more information about Adrian and his plans for the D.A.’s office please go to www.AK4DA.com.
Vote-by-mail ballots were sent out May 9 and the election is held on June 7. No matter who you choose, everybody involved in the Kamada campaign urges you to let your voice be heard - vote.
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