Hank Sims asks Scott Bauer, Thavisak 'Lucky' Syphanthong

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What Does the Fourth Ward Need?

Leaving aside city-wide issues for a moment: What do you see as the biggest needs for your ward, in particular? What do people want to see happen in the neighborhoods you wish to represent? How would you help them on the council?

— Hank Sims


Thavisak 'Lucky' Syphanthong

I have spoken with many of my neighbors and I have attended a meeting with the Bridge District Neighborhood watch group in Ward 4 (the Bridge District is that neighborhood between Target to the north and the Samoa Bridges).  Overall there are a lot of concerns with safety, homelessness, drug use and drug trafficking in my Ward 4.  For my immediate neighbors near Myrtle Avenue and McFarland Street, as part of the Bay to Zoo Trail, the City is planning to install a roundabout at this intersection, which is the “new trail crossing” location.  Then they will install approximately two miles of Class 1 bike trail, culminating at the Sequoia Park and Zoo.  I am excited about the new trail being installed, providing outdoor activity for our citizens, however, my neighbors have some real concerns regarding safety, especially with the trail going behind their homes and throughout the neighborhood on its way to Sequoia Park and Zoo.  The City needs to address these safety concerns when installing the new trail, maybe install new light posts and have a non-uniform safety officer or City staff regularly patrol the trail.  There are concerns about garbage and new homeless camp sites along the trail too.  I believe with consistent monitoring by the City, this will prevent any new homeless sites from forming. I will be sure to walk the new trail myself when it is installed and bring any new concerns to the City Council and for the City to address.

The Bridge District also had concerns regarding the homeless and drug use and drug trafficking. Most have businesses in the immediate neighborhood and do not feel safe with all the drug and homeless activity happening daily.   Fortunately these neighbors look out for each other and will call the police if needed, but the City of Eureka needs to step up its patrol and cleanup of homeless camp sites in this area, especially under the Samoa bridges near the new boat launch, and the neighborhood around the Ke-Mey-Ek’ Place housing units managed by the Arcata House Partnership.  

If I were elected to represent Ward 4 on the Eureka City Council, I will bring the concerns of the citizens in Ward 4, including those of my immediate neighbors on Myrtle Ave and McFarlan Street, and the safety concerns of the citizens and business owners in the Bridge District to the Council and make sure these very important concerns are addressed by the City.  Safety is a huge concern for the people in my Ward and I will fight to have these concerns heard and addressed by the City.