Bundrew asks Scott Bauer

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Unfinished Business


Why do you want to run again for the council position for the 4th Ward?? What has been the biggest obstacles during your first tenure that you want to overcome or see resolved? What has been your biggest accomplishments and what would you like achieve during a 2nd term? Do you see yourself continuing in public service whether you are re-elected or not?


— Bundrew


Scott Bauer

Thank you for the question, Bundrew. I do feel like there is a lot of unfinished business in the city. The wheels of government turn slowly, much of it beyond the control of City Council, and those wheels are finally starting to pick up speed.

I want to see our housing plans come to fruition. We need housing for all income levels, and developments like the port (renewable energy) and CalPoly expansion will make our regional housing needs more acute in the near future. I look forward to seeing the state-funded Bay to Zoo Trail built. I want Cooper Park to be rehabilitated into a place where our kids can play soccer year-around and our residents can spend their sunny days. I want our citizens to feel safe on our trails and streets, which will require us to take a collective look at our state and local policies and ordinances around crime.

I also want to guide our city to a sustainable future, where climate change is a priority issue in our transportation and development planning. I also believe we need to really focus on healthcare. I’ve personally been affected by the shortage of doctors and dentists, and I want to be a part of the solution to make Eureka and Humboldt County a place where healthcare is accessible and not a constant worry for our citizens.

There are obstacles to everything I’ve discussed above. Many of these obstacles are related to state and federal mandates, funding, and policy. I don’t think funding matches for grants (federal or state) should be required for disadvantaged communities like ours. I think healthcare issues require close coordination with our state and federal legislators. I think the solution to bringing money and solutions to our community for all of the critical issues affecting our citizens requires a higher level of involvement in public service. That is why I serve the Redwood Empire Division (representing coastal cities from Crescent City to Port Arena) on the League of California Cities (CalCities) Board of Directors. CalCities represents nearly all of the cities (some 782) in California and protects and advocates for our interests at the state and federal level. I advocate strongly for our city and our region, and focus on reducing any and all obstacles that prevent us from reaching our shared goals.

While there are apparent obstacles to achieving many of our community goals, we do have accomplishments to celebrate. This Council has approved of plans for 100’s of affordable housing units. As stated above, the wheels of government can turn ever so slow, but funding will come and we will see a boon in construction in the near future. We are rehabilitating our public spaces and facilities (go check out Da Yas Park construction) due to Measure H (which I supported and campaigned for). We’ve managed a balanced budget within our city, all the while increasing the pay of our police, firefighters, and all city staff to improve retention and well-being. We are changing the very nature of how we move about the city by taking transportation from a car-centric view to a multi-modal (cars, bikes and pedestrian) sharing of the road. I want to see us continue down these paths and expand upon these forward thinking ideas of community development.

Regardless of whether I win reelection, I will always be involved in public service. I’ve spent my entire life being involved in community service. As a young man living in Arcata, I spent ten years serving on the Arcata Wetlands and Creeks Committee. During that time and until a few short years ago, I served my fellow union members as a member of Board of Directors for the California Association of Professional Scientists (now affiliated with the United Auto Workers). I’ve served on numerous boards including the Humboldt Fish Action Council, Salmonid Restoration Federation, and the AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project. I will always be involved in public service because I believe in community and feel that one has a hard time complaining about life’s challenges if one isn’t doing something to make it better.