Voter asks Natalie Arroyo, Kim Bergel, Mike Newman…
Have any of you received any major party endorsement?
— Voter

Natalie Arroyo
I have received the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee’s endorsement. While this is a non-partisan position, I am proud to be a lifelong registered Democrat. My party preference represents my alignment with many of the Democratic Party’s values and priorities, including support for working families, combating climate change, strengthening our democracy, providing a great education to all our residents, and more. I look forward to the opportunity to serve all of Humboldt County residents, regardless of political affiliation.
I’ll post again if I am endorsed by any other parties.
You can view my endorsements at https://www.arroyoforsupervisor.com/endorsements
Sincerely, Natalie Arroyo

Natalie Arroyo
Hello, I wanted to also provide an update to share that I’ve been endorsed by the Green Party of Humboldt County, in recognition of my work towards social justice and ecological restoration in our community. Thank you! Please be sure to check out my robust list of endorsements on my website:
Sincerely, Natalie Arroyo