Dylan Mattole asks Jeana McClendon

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Cannabis or Cannabust

What is your position on Measure A?

— Dylan Mattole


Jeana McClendon

I intend to vote against Measure A. Although I acknowledge the necessity to fine-tune our current cannabis ordinance, I believe that Measure A does not present the best resolution. A more equitable solution should incorporate a comprehensive public engagement process and implement more pragmatic strategies to alleviate the concerns. It’s imperative to tackle the challenges voiced by community members while safeguarding our cannabis industry. We must actively heed the concerns expressed by both community members and cannabis farmers and strive for solutions that accommodate the interests of both groups.

The most effective approach involves addressing these issues at the board of supervisor level rather than through a ballot measure.

I believe it’s important to create a culture where discussions about the cannabis industry, a legally operating business here in California, are normalized. Humboldt needs this industry to flourish while operating within conditions that our residents can embrace and support.

Jeana McClendon

Thanks for your question Dylan!