Post your event!

So you’d like to submit an event to the Lost Coast Outpost Lowdown? Good on you, citizen! Lots of local eyeballs wander around this joint. All you’ve got to do is fill out our helpful “Event Submission Form!” What could be more fun?! (Don’t answer that.)

Should you get stuck or confused on this journey, don’t panic. To assist you and to make this process as painless as possible for the both of us, please refer to the “Tips” for each field. We’ll get through this.

Now get to work. Fill, HumCo!

The details

What is it? Please try to keep your title as succinct as possible. Instead of typing “An Evening with Air Supply @ The Boiler Room Sponsored By Humboldt Druid Society,” let’s just go with “Air Supply.” (You can include those other details in the fields below.) Also, we’d really appreciate it if you DIDN’T SUBMIT AN ALL CAPS EVENT TITLE (see how annoying that was?) If you do, we’ll just change it anyway. Thanks.
Where is it? If the location of your event doesn't pop up when you start to type it -- and you're sure you've spelled it correctly -- put the details in the description.
Hype away! You can absolutely go on and on as long as you want in this space but we'd encourage you, for the sake of your audience, to get to the point. Be a writer! Also, use of understandable grammar is preferred, but it ain't required. We promise to not freak out.
OK, we'll just say this and you can decide to listen or not. So we'd really prefer you submit a non-poster image as odds are people will not be able to read the fine print online. Let us see the actual band as opposed to their logo. The ideal dimensions for your image are 550x300 pixels wide (or a similar scale ratio. And that's horizontal, folks). Do what you will with that info. NOTE: Your image won't appear until we approve it. All right, stepping off our soap box now.
Do you want people to be able to get a hold of you? If you don't enter a phone number, your listing will default to the venue's number (if one exists).
Enter the URL ( or Facebook page for your event. If you don't enter a web page, the listing will default to the venue's site (if one exists).
Got a cool YouTube clip that shows your would-be patrons what they're in for? Post the link here! (NOTE: Must be YouTube. No Vimeo or etc.!
This is pretty self-explanatory, right?
Can the youngsters come? If not, it'd be decent to let them know.
This one's easy. But use numerals, and be sure to enter a "0" if your event is free.

Additional prices

Different prices for different people -- students, grandmas, people who buy their tickets in advance? Enter those here. Remember: Numerals for prices. To the right of the price, give us the type of people who get the discount ("students," "members," "grandmas," "advance sales.") Click "add another" to enter more price categories.

Dates and times

This is kind of important. If you have a multiple day shindig planned, click the "Add another" button as many times as you need. Go nuts.

NOTE: USE A.M. and/or P.M.!

Problems? Write us and we'll fix 'em: But for now, go ahead and press this big button.