Lost Coast Outpost

Former Arcata City Council Member Alex Stillman on Her Town's Past, Present and Future

Since she was elected as Arcata’s first woman council member in 1972, Alex Stillman has served many roles in her community — a council member in the ‘70s and again in 2006, a member of the Historic Sites Society and Historic Landmarks Committee and a board member of Arcata Main Street, to name a few — and she has never stopped working to improve her little Humboldt town. Of course, the grande dame Stillman has some stories to tell from the last five decades and shares a few of them with you, dear listener, on this week’s episode of Humboldt Holding Up — the Outpost‘s good-enough podcast. Topic include: How Arcata’s adapted to COVID and the joys of outdoor dining, what HSU’s transformation to a polytechnic university will mean for the town, Arcata in the ‘70s, Stillman gives a shout-out to old bars the Keg and the Boot and talks about not partaking in the key parties, the then contentious issue of the freeway being constructed through town and the “Stop at Four” Campaign and more!

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Former Arcata City Council Member Alex Stillman on Her Town's Past, Present and Future