Tuesday, April 1

Tonight HumBrews Hosts a Live Version of the Classic Game Show (BLANK)

“This year’s World’s Strongest Man Contest will include the Tug-of-war event, but rather than using rope for the contest, they’ll use a _(blank)_.”

You’ll recognize this as being a question in the format you may have heard on the salacious (for its time) ‘70s game show Match Game, a show featuring a panel of B-list celebrities being amused with themselves. Great TV.

Tonight at Humboldt Brews, the crew at Savage Henry Magazine are mining nostalgia and co-opting the classic game show’s format with a panel of local yuk-slingers and host Chris Durant. We’ve been informed that the contestants will be selected from the audience at the event, so if you’re feeling confident that you think similarly to small town comedians, well, you should go and stuff. 

Or if you hate game shows, there’s plenty of Tuesday night goodness in your Lowdown below. And remember to plan for the weekend ahead by checking out the Lowdown Lookahead

-Andrew Goff

Top Events!
(Look ahead!)

DA Candidate Forum
Trinidad Town Hall / 6-8 p.m.
Arnie Klein, Elan Firpo, Maggie Fleming and Allan Dollison slug it out.

La Musique Diabolique CD Release
Arcata Playhouse / 8 p.m. / $5 / $10 with CD
Humboldt’s own gypsy jazz quartet for their CD release show.
0 / Web site

Marco Benevento
The Jam / 9 p.m. / $12 / $10 adv. / 21+
Painting with a myriad of sonic colors, shimmering with acoustic piano, synths and analog keyboards.
0 / Web site

Match Game
Humboldt Brews / 9 p.m. / $5 / 21+
Savage Henry presents a live version of the classic game show hosted By Chris Durant featuring Matt Redbeard, Josh Duke, Sarah Godlin, Dr. Foxmeat, Kim Hodges and Joe Deschaine.
0 / Web site

Emancipator Ensemble
Arcata Theatre Lounge / 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. / $15 / 21+
World Famous Productions presents an evening with the Emancipator Ensemble with Slow Magic and Nym.
0 / Web site

Ted Nugent
Runeberg Hall / 10 p.m.-midnight / $25
To millions of music lovers, Ted Nugent has carved a permanent place in rock and roll history as the guitar-shredding showman, selling more than 40 million albums, performing more than 6,400 (!) high-octane concerts, and continuing to set attendance records at venues around the globe.
0 / Web site

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All Events!

Ping Pong
Logger Bar / noon / 21+
Sometimes The Logger Bar sets up ping pong tables. This is one of those times. Get your Gump on.
0 / Web site

Game Night
Crush / 5 p.m.
Don’t be bored. Play board games.

New Designs for Fundraising
Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center / 6-8 p.m. / $195 / $165 NorCAN members / 18+
An overview of all the tools and techniques used to identify, cultivate and solicit big gifts and develop, market and manage capital campaigns, planned giving and major gifts programs.
0 / Web site

Dale Winget
Cutten Inn / 6 p.m.
Local guitarist/vocalist.

Humboldt Cribbage Club
Moose Lodge / 6:15-9:30 p.m. / $8
Muggins! Get your weekly crib on.

Buddy Reed
Libation / 7-9 p.m.
Local bluesman gets low down. Accompanied by Andy Fihn.
0 / Web site

The Opera Alley Cats
SpeakEasy / 7:30-10:30 p.m. / Free / 21+
Burning live jazz under the “stars.”
0 / Web site

Sunny Brae Jazz
Six Rivers Brewery / 8 p.m.
Local jazz and southern fried chicken night.
0 / Web site

Karaoke w/ Chris Clay
Cher-Ae Heights Casino / 8 p.m.
Your Lowdown will go on the record as saying that Chris Clay is Humboldt’s most pro karaoke jockey. We know this stuff.
0 / Web site

Good and Evil Karaoke
Silver Lining / 8 p.m.
Karaoke. In an airport.
0 / Web site

Palm Lounge at The Eureka Inn / 8:30 p.m. / 21+
Funk improvisation quartet.

Movie Showtimes

Broadway Cinema
  • 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 2D: 1:15, 6:45, 8:50
  • 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D: 3:15
  • 3 DAYS TO KILL: 6:50, 9:30
  • DIVERGENT: 11:45, 1:25, 2:50, 4:40, 6:00, 7:55, 9:10
  • MONUMENTS MEN: 11:55, 5:40
  • MR PEABODY AND SHERMAN 2D: 12:00, 2:30, 4:55, 7:25
  • MUPPETS MOST WANTED: 11:50, 1:20, 2:35, 4:05, 5:25, 8:10
  • NEED FOR SPEED 2D: 3:50, 9:20
  • NEED FOR SPEED 3D: 12:20, 5:50
  • NOAH: 11:35, 1:10, 2:40, 4:30, 5:45, 7:45, 8:55
  • NON-STOP: 12:45, 3:25, 6:05, 8:45
  • SABOTAGE: 1:00, 3:40, 6:20, 9:00
  • WIND RISES: 2:45, 8:35
Mill Creek Cinema
  • 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 2D: 6:55, 9:30
  • DIVERGENT: 2:50, 6:00, 9:10
  • LEGO MOVIE 2D: 5:10
  • MR PEABODY AND SHERMAN 2D: 3:10, 5:30, 7:55
  • MUPPETS MOST WANTED: 3:00, 5:40, 8:20
  • NEED FOR SPEED 2D: 3:35, 6:25, 9:15
  • NOAH: 2:40, 3:50, 5:50, 7:50, 9:00
  • SABOTAGE: 4:05, 6:45, 9:25
Minor Theatre
  • DIVERGENT: 5:40, 8:50
  • GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL: 4:10, 6:40, 9:10
  • NOAH: 5:25, 8:30

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