Tuesday, March 17

(UPDATES) Lowdown: United Airlines Cancelation Claims Kyle Kinane

UPDATE, 2:56 p.m.: Kyle Kinane is continuing to rage against United Airlines via Twitter. In the meantime, LoCO was contacted by ACV fans who were a bit peeved at the airport being the target of Chris Durant’s potty mouth-enhanced rant. As we noted below, LoCO was unable to find a flight cancelation at ACV today, a fact confirmed by United’s website

We asked Durant for clarification, and he admitted he was not sure whether the flight canceled was one coming into Humboldt or was a different leg of Kinane’s journey. OK. But what about the reference to our “shitty little airport”?

“And when I say it’s shitty, it’s because it’s so small and there’s only a couple flights. If they were bigger there’d be more flights and more options to get him up here. That’s what I meant,” Durant told LoCO online.

# # #

UPDATE, 1:19 p.m.: Savage Henry’s Chris Durant just contacted LoCO to let us know that Kyle Kinane can’t make it to Humboldt tonight after United Airlines canceled his flight. Durant sent us the following “official statement”:

“We here at Savage Henry regret to inform you that the Kyle Kinane show is cancelled tonight due to Humboldt county’s shitty little airport and United fucking airlines being a dick bag. Kyle will make it up to Humboldt later in the year and feels really bad about this as well. Sorry.” -Chris Durant

Nuts. LoCO has been unable to identify which flight exactly was canceled, but, yeah, Kyle ain’t coming. You’ll have to settle for this tweet in the meantime, Humboldt:

Kinane is battling with United Airlines from his Twitter account. More here

# # #

Original Post: Blessings upon the Humboldt bars that aren’t shrinking away from their responsibility to provide you a festive space to get wasted on St. Patrick’s Day despite its weak Tuesday placement year. Scroll your Lowdown listings below to find a solid green scene. 

Then of course there’s Kyle Kinane, a high-profile standup comedian that has little to do with St. Paddy’s day other than the fact that he looks like your leprechaun uncle. LoCO was told by Savage Henry this morning that a few tickets remain at Wildberries for the show at HumBrews tonight, but act fast. If you need an appetizer before tonight’s main course, check out Kinane on Kimmel in the clip below. 

—Andrew Goff

Top Events!
(Look ahead!)

St. Patty’s Barndance
T’s Cafe North / 6-9 p.m. / Free
Live music from the Striped Pig Stringband and calling by Lyndsey Battle. Family friendly environment and no previous experience necessary.
0 / Web site

St. Patrick’s Day Shenanigans and Malarkey
Little Red Lion / 8-11:59 p.m. / $3 / 21+
“The Rebel Liberties” ( a “Flogging Molly” cover band) takes the stage at 9pm. We will be serving up $1 pints of Rolling Rock and other amazing drink specials from 8pm-midnight. Food (corned beef and other deliciousness) will be served while supply lasts so come on down early to get your fill.

Vanishing Pints St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Palm Lounge at The Eureka Inn / 8 p.m. / 21+
Musical revelry and suds soaked jubilation.

(CANCELED) Kyle Kinane
Humboldt Brews / 8 p.m. / $14 / 21+
Savage Henry’s Chris Durant just contacted LoCO to let us know that Kyle Kinane can’t make it to Humboldt tonight after United Airlines canceled his flight.
0 / Web site

Submit your event!
All Events!

Ping Pong
Logger Bar / noon / 21+
Sometimes The Logger Bar sets up ping pong tables. This is one of those times. Get your Gump on.
0 / Web site

Bar-Fly St. Patty
Bar Fly Pub and Grub / 4 p.m.-2 a.m. / Free / 21+
Green beer and traditional Irish food specials.
0 / Web site

Game Night
Crush / 5 p.m.
Don’t be bored. Play board games.

Humboldt Cribbage Club
Moose Lodge / 6:15 p.m. / $8
Muggins! Get your weekly crib on.

Volunteer at SCRAP Humboldt
SCRAP Humboldt / 6:30-7:30 p.m. / Free
Do you love sustainability? Are you passionate about creative reuse? Volunteer at SCRAP Humboldt! As a nonprofit creative reuse center, volunteers are essential to the services that SCRAP Humboldt offers.
0 / Web site

Anna Hamilton
Palm Lounge at The Eureka Inn / 7-11 p.m. / 21+
Songs and stories from HumCo’s blues riff-slingin’ raconteur.

Buddy Reed
Libation / 7-9 p.m.
Local bluesman gets low down. Accompanied by Andy Fihn.
0 / Web site

The Opera Alley Cats
SpeakEasy / 7:30-10:30 p.m. / Free / 21+
Burning live jazz under the “stars.”
0 / Web site

The Undercovers
The Forks / 8 p.m. / Free / 21+

Good and Evil Karaoke
Silver Lining / 8 p.m.
Karaoke. In an airport.
0 / Web site

Karaoke w/ Chris Clay
Cher-Ae Heights Casino / 8 p.m.
Your Lowdown will go on the record as saying that Chris Clay is Humboldt’s most pro karaoke jockey. We know this stuff.
0 / Web site

Movie Showtimes

Broadway Cinema
  • AMERICAN SNIPER: 1:25, 6:35
  • CHAPPIE: 12:20, 3:15, 6:10, 9:05
  • CINDERELLA: 11:55, 1:30, 2:45, 4:20, 5:35, 7:10, 8:25
  • DUFF: 12:35, 6:05
  • FIFTY SHADES OF GREY: 12:25, 3:20, 6:15, 9:10
  • FOCUS: 1:05, 3:45, 6:25, 9:00
  • JUPITER ASCENDING 2D: 5:50, 8:45
  • LAZARUS EFFECT: 4:25, 9:35
  • MCFARLAND USA: 12:00, 3:00, 5:55, 8:55
  • RUN ALL NIGHT: 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20
  • SECOND BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL: 11:50, 2:50, 5:45, 8:40
  • UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 2:20, 4:45, 7:05, 9:30
Mill Creek Cinema
  • CHAPPIE: 3:05, 5:55, 8:45
  • CINDERELLA: 3:00, 4:20, 5:50, 7:10, 8:35
  • DUFF: 3:45, 7:00
  • FOCUS: 3:45, 6:25, 9:05
  • KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE: 3:20, 6:20, 9:20
  • MCFARLAND USA: 5:20, 8:20
  • RUN ALL NIGHT: 3:10, 6:05, 8:55
  • UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 4:40, 9:20, 9:30
Minor Theatre
  • BIRDMAN: 3:50, 9:10
  • MR TURNER: 4:45, 8:00
  • STILL ALICE: 6:40

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