ABP asks Alex Stillman, Kimberley White, Edith Rosen, Dana Quillman, Chase Marcum, Humnath Panta…
Bike Infrastructure in Arcata
The last comprehensive bike plan for our city was drafted in 2018. Drafted prior to the pandemic and prior to HSU’s new Cal-Poly status. With the impending influx of students and staff, urgency to meet climate goals and other cities using the lockdown time to transform their cities bike infrastructure, Arcata is still falling far behind its goal of 50% of trips taken by non-motorized transport, which for a city this size should not be the case.
While projects like the Annie & Mary trail, Gateway connection path and Eureka-Arcata trail are great and ideal advancements in Arcata’s bike infrastructure, the remaining bike lanes in the city are still far from safe, convenient and inviting to novice riders.
If elected to the city council, will you advocate for and approve plans for improved bicycle infrastructure? Will you stand by these plans even in the face of opposition? How will you ensure these projects are followed through and not left lingering on the cutting-room floor?

Alex Stillman
It takes time for projects to happen, as you know. Nothing in City government happens overnight. Often additional items to happen need funding in the way of grants. I understand the need for more bikes and think the rent a bikes is a start. The green bike lanes we not where you actually wanted them. Are they working though? It is difficult figuring out how to do this in an older town. New towns can design with this in mind.

Edith Rosen
Thank you for taking the time to construct this meaningful question, ABP.
Safety and Accessibility for All!
Alternative means of transportation needs to be promoted, as well as integrated into our core plans as we prepare for our future and for population growth. In building these priorities into our core needs for Arcata, this will ensure that those projects will take precedence and not be considered an afterthought. When elected to Arcata City Council, I will advocate and approve plans for improved bicycle infrastructure–even in the face of opposition.