From Adrian Kamada/June 4, 2022, 4:44 p.m.
PRESS RELEASE – June 4, 2022
Mike R. Galli, recognized throughout California as the preeminent authority on 4th Amendment / Search and Seizure law, has weighed in on the manufactured controversy surrounding Adrian Kamada’s departure from the District Attorney’s office.
Mr. Galli recently retired after a 39-year career as a prosecutor in the Office of the Santa Clara District Attorney. Much of his career was spent educating attorneys and police officers on the practice of criminal law, especially search and seizure issues. He is the author of “The Search Warrant Law and Practice Manual”, now in its 5th edition, published by the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA). This manual is the go-to reference in the DA’s offices of all of California’s 58 counties. When it comes to Search and Seizure law, Mr. Galli literally “wrote the book”.
Approached by a third party, Mr. Galli was provided with the documents included in a largely one-sided story in the Lost Coast Outpost. After review Mr. Galli offered the following opinion:
“Mr. Kamada was legally correct and he did nothing wrong under these circumstances. His actions do not remotely raise any ethical issues that his former boss claims. It is clear the person Mr. Kamada spoke to was not a witness that would ever be called for court. Either his former boss does not understand the law, or she is knowingly misrepresenting the law for some other purpose. ”
Mr. Galli is referring to retiring District Attorney Maggie Fleming.
In 2016 Ms. Fleming sent Mr. Kamada to the CDAA training on Search Warrants and Informants, taught by Mr. Galli, with the intention of having Mr. Kamada serve as the in-house expert on these matters. He served in that capacity from 2016 until 2020.
In the race for Humboldt County District Attorney Mr. Kamada’s departure from the DA’s office has been one of the most contentious issues. It has been stoked by the Eads campaign, their often anonymous surrogates, and click-bait media sources. Misinformation and outright lies have been spread from both within and outside the District Attorney’s office.
The Eads campaign went so far as to solicit an opinion that was both factually wrong and written in a way that smeared Mr. Kamada’s name. It came in the form of a letter-to-the-editor from an otherwise very talented and well-respected attorney. Ms. Fleming is godmother to that attorney’s daughter.
Mr. Kamada has been open and honest on this issue throughout the campaign. Twice he gave detailed answers to questions in the Lost Coast Outpost about his departure. He readily agreed with the release of documents after a Public Records Act (PRA) request. There was a slight delay - one of the documents Ms. Fleming had presented in response to the PRA included her handwritten notes in the margins, written at an unknown time – Mr. Kamada insisted that the original, untainted document be released.
Adrian Kamada’s campaign is based on facts and ideas. Once again he uses facts to combat lies, speak truth to power, and provide the people of Humboldt County with an honest view of their next District Attorney.
Further Information:
Information on retired Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Mike R. Galli:
Adrian Kamada’s response to Lost Coast Outpost questions on this topic: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/elections/question/396/
Letter from former Humboldt County Deputy District Attorney Josh Rosenfeld on this topic: https://kymkemp.com/2022/06/01/recent-attacks-on-adrians-competence-and-character-dont-sit-well-with-me-says-letter-writer/
Growing Pains with Nicholas Flores podcast. The overall topic begins at 0:58:40. The topic specifically regarding Mr. Galli begins at 1:20:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hrm0CONHcc
Records release waiver: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/loco-media/loco-media/blog/post/34140/Waiver%2B-%2BSigned%2B%25284%2529.pdf
Kamada’s March 2, 2020 memo: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/loco-media/loco-media/blog/post/34140/March%2B3%2B2020%2Bmemo%2Bredacted.pdf
Kamada’s April 13, 2020 memo: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/loco-media/loco-media/blog/post/34140/2020April%2B13%2Bmemo_Redacted.pdf
Fleming’s May 8, 2020 memo: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/loco-media/loco-media/blog/post/34140/DA%2BMay%2B8%2Bmemo.pdf
Flemings statement on confidential communications (May 11, 2022): https://lostcoastoutpost.com/loco-media/loco-media/blog/post/34140/Statement%2B5-11-2022.doc
For more information about Adrian and his plans for the D.A.’s office please go to www.AK4DA.com.
Vote-by-mail ballots were sent out May 9 and the election is held on June 7. No matter who you choose, everybody involved in the Kamada campaign urges you to let your voice be heard - vote.
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