Lost Coast Outpost

How is the Pandemic Affecting Eureka? Interim City Manager Miles Slattery Weighs In

(AUDIO) Miles Slattery is Holding Up

Global pandemics can be rough on a city budget, turns out. As in most cities, Eureka has seen a drastic decrease in tax revenue in the COVID era which recently led the city council to approve massive budget cuts that will affect staffing and services across multiple departments. 

LoCO file photo of Miles Slattery taken back when we could swing

All of this weighs heavy on the mind of Miles Slattery. A little over a month ago, the longtime Community Services Director stepped up to take on the role of interim city manager after his predecessor Dean Lotter’s quick exit

What does it mean to attempt to run a city in the midst of a major crisis like the one we now face? Slattery discusses the challenge with Stephanie McGeary and Andrew Goff in this week’s Humboldt Holding Up, the Lost Coast Outpost‘s totally adequate Zoom-quality podcast attempt. Topics broached include (but are not limited to):

  • The importance of passing a new sales tax measure in the November election
  • Which city projects are still marching on despite all the turmoil
  • How has the strain of our current reality personally impacted Miles and his family
  • Who makes the best burger in Eureka?
  • Can Miles remember the names of the Sequoia Park Zoo’s red pandas?

To put some Miles in your ears click the audio player above and/or scroll through past guests below.


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How is the Pandemic Affecting Eureka? Interim City Manager Miles Slattery Weighs In