As days darken, generators work longer hours here in the hills.  Whether these machines create power for homes or indoor marijuana grow scenes, the motor oil used to lubricate them needs to be treated as a hazardous waste. Much of the oil ends up in our soil and our water.  An informativel article written by Carlos Chavez in the April edition of the Times Standard describes the extent of the problem states that in California alone, about 20 million gallons of used motor oil are annually disposed of in an “unknown manner”.  …The [Dept. of Fish and Game] website states that one gallon of used motor oil dumped in a million gallons of water will kill half of all exposed Dungeness crab larvae, among other things. When motor oil ends up on land, it reduces the soils ability to support life and will eventually migrate to our waterways.

Here is a wonderful site that contains a comprehensive listing of places here in Humboldt County to recycle or to dispose of used motor oil. Call before you bring in more than 20 gallons because some sites have a limited capacity.

To transport the oil, put it in a sealed container without mixing it with any other fluids. FREE containers can be obtained in several locations.  Call 268-2225 for more information.

Here, in an earlier post, are some other important steps that can be taken to diminish the impact of diesel generators on the environment.