— All the action today takes place a little after 1:30 p.m., when the showdown over the Humboldt County General Plan Update takes place at the Board of Supervisors. (Live video stream here; staff report here. Tune back into the LoCO for live bloggery at the magic hour.)

Catching up? For the slow-it-down argument, you can read the recent My Word pieces from HumCPRsters Lee Ulansey and Bob Morris. Their opponents – the finish-it-already people – are probably most vocally represented by the Healthy Humboldt Coalition, whose Jen Kalt appeared with KMUD’s Dennis Huber on Monday Morning Magazine yesterday: 


— The District Attorney’s Office has filed charges against Steve Sterbeck, owner of the E. coli-laden Fernbridge Cafe. KIEM has an extended interview with Sterbeck and his partner Deb Woods; Woods tells the reporter that she believes the Headwaters Fund will be buying new filtration equipment for the entire Fernbridge community.

— Aren’t we glad we fought that reggae war? The T-S‘s Thad Greenson tells the latest sad chapter: after the breakaway Reggae Rising event was canceled last year, organizer Tom Dimmick told ticketholders that their purchases would be honored at the 2011 festival, which would be ultra-super-irie-awesome. But Dimmick has done zero to acquire permits for this supposed 2011 festival, and the county planning department say he’s probably out of time.

— Some super-classy dudes stole 30 bronze flower vases from the veterans’ section of Ocean View Cemetery, the T-S‘s Matt Drange reports. Cops figure the vases were worth maybe $1,000 in scrap value, all told.

— GROVIE ALERT! Another Richardson Grove protest planned for Caltrans HQ next week.