
Photo: Lost Coast Aviators (via Redheaded Blackbelt).

— If the mountain and yesterday’s news held true, Highway 101 is now open for the first time since Wednesday. Caltrans tells the T-S that it’s looking at one-lane controlled traffic through the Dean Creek slide from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 24 hours a day right now. Another update will be issued this afternoon. All SoHum schools are open. 

— For the record, the absolute best coverage of the slide has come from Kym Kemp’s Redheaded Blackbelt blog and SoHum Awareness, a new emergency-related Facebook group. If you haven’t checked them out, do so. Kemp and her photographer friends have the best pictures in the county, and her coverage of the Southern Humboldt slide(s) from a human angle is magnificent. Bookmark.

— Thad Greenson of the T-S has a pretty epic story about a grow house on Hillsdale Street, Eureka’s finest block of architecturally significant Victorians, and the ongoing lawsuit brought by neighbors against the owner of the house, a scholar at the libertarian Cato Institute.

— Conicidentally, weed is back on the agenda at the Eureka City Council meeting.

— The Schmidbauer mill is extending layoffs.