Guest post by Kim McPherson:

So, in October, my son & I were in the parking lot of the mall in Eureka when this woman approached us.

“Are you from SoHum?” she says.

And I think, “Whoa, it must really show.”

We stop walking and confirm that we are indeed from SoHum.

“There’s something wrong with my ATM card & my Subaru is outta gas. I just need to get home. If you could help me out, I’ll pay you back. I live on Sawmill Road.”

Part of me thinks this is bullshit, but part of me wants to believe the stranded neighbor story. Unfortunately, I don’t have any small bills, so I turn to my son.

“You got a ten?” Like the kind young man he is, he fishes a bill from his wallet and hands it to the woman.

“Thanks so much! You guys are awesome!”

I tell her where she can find me to return my Son’s money & we smile and part ways.

I never see that ten again.

Last night, my Husband, my Son & I are in the parking lot at Target trying to decide if there is anything else we need from the big city when a woman approaches us.

“Hey, are you guys from SoHum?”

I recognize her. My response is a terse “Yes” as I stare at the pavement of the parking lot. I gave my Son’s money to this Bum! Because of people like her, he’ll probably be less likely to help people who might really need it & I’m just plain embarrassed…. like everyone can read the “SUCKER” that’s written on my forehead. I’m really hoping she’ll just walk away.

She doesn’t. She starts her little story.

Normally I’m a pretty kind person. A lot of the time when I’m angry no one can even tell. This isn’t one of those times. I can feel the anger rolling off of me like a foul stench.

“I’m not falling for it again!” As I say it, I look sideways at her. It startles her and she begins to fidget and mumble nervous laughter bubbles out of her mouth.

She sputters, “Do I know you?”

That sideways look again.

“Was I supposed to pay you back?”

“You were supposed to pay MY KID back!”

I look back at the ground. She mumbles and stutters.

“Whatever,” I reply like an angry teen.

She wanders off and we get in the car.  As we drive away my Husband says, “I’ve never seen you be so mean.” And I have to explain the whole story to him. While I am, my Son says he didn’t believe her the first time but he knows I’m soft.

I thought telling the story would make me feel better… but I’m still mad.

Kim added in an email to me last night,  “…[J]ust for fun I should tell [you] my neighbor got suckered  Saturday at Rays Bayshore parking lot… I kinda gotta laugh—- When you find a good gig, WORK IT.