Nothing But Blue Skies

Larry enjoys a delicious Blue Sky soda brought by a listener. MD reviews Dave’s Killer Bread: “It’s crazy good! Turns out Dave (ex-con) spent 15 years in the slammer… now he’s a breadsmith.” Ferndale Report preview/ teaser. Food drive’s coming up and we hear the pros and cons of live music at grocery stores.

Larry and Mike Struggle With Their Own Cultural Irrelevance In The Internet Age

Q: Can you stay relevant and cool if you spend enough time on the internet? A: Maybe. MD: “If you say music today sucks, you obviously aren’t listening.” Emily has a great ability to recognize what is awesome even though she lives near a barn. Mike plays a little Kreayshawn and belligerently refuses to like the new Deer Tick album.

Outro music

Swedish girls playing cottage cheese boxes.
