Vandalism at the snack booth in Redway discouraged both dedicated volunteers and community children.  This last week, the Redwood Times printed a letter from Gina Paine, Southern Humboldt Youth Soccer Representative, she said in part,

I have been pouring my heart and soul into the soccer program this year… I saw an opportunity to maybe raise some additional funds for this program by renting the baseball snack shack and opening it for business. …This venture took quite a bite of extra time and planning and coordinating and began to look as though it may be a profitable venture, especially if someone could put a little more energy into it next year.

But then I arrived Saturday morning to open up and realized that we had been broken into. All of the food items, candy bars and drinks had been stolen. So what could have been a possible profit is now a complete loss and then some. [L]ight bulbs had been broken out of the ceiling, the coffee pot was broken…

I do not know who did this and do not want to even guess. I just want to say you are stealing from our children. You are stealing from a program that keeps youth out of trouble and involved in positive play.

I am completely disheartened at this point and cannot help to feel deflated. I don’t think that people who do things like this realize what an impact their actions have. It is not just food you have stolen.

(entire powerful letter here)

Kim Sallaway sent out his photo of the day today (see above) and said, referring to this incident, “You can replace appliances, but not innocence.”

If you see Gina, can you hand her a few dollars for the kids?