Crab pots sitting idle before season start. (Photo provided by Mike Parry.)

“Over two dozen boats and more are headed out of the Bay right now,” wrote LoCO reader Evie Gustafson around 10 A.M.. Although fisherman and buyers did not reach a deal, some boat captains decided, according to former crabber Mike Parry, to go ahead and begin setting pots.  Once boats started to go out, the other’s followed suit.  The main crab fleet swept out of the harbor this morning.

This morning, LoCo couldn’t reach anyone at Humboldt Fisherman’s Marketing, the group that helps the crabbers negotiate.

A recorded message stated (above a hubbub of background activity,) “Price is $2.65. Everyone is going fishing after the meeting here at 9 A.M on Wednesday.  Good luck. Be careful.”

Got butter and lemon anyone?
