Above: “Puff Crossing The Delaware”
Today on its blog, audio longread show This American Life put up the bat signal to our country’s stoners in the hopes they’ll submit their tokey tales about being high for an upcoming episode and, man, we here at the Lost Coast Outpost will be quite disappointed if a certain frequent LoCO commenter from Humboldt doesn’t step up and RepHum. Do you hear us, Puff?
While Ira Glass and Co. do plan to devote a portion of the episode to darker aspects of drug use and addiction, “some will be on the lighter, funnier side.” From the This American Life call for entries:
“We’d like to devote a portion of the show to a collection of shorter stories in the classic “I was so high…” genre. So these would be the kind of anecdotes you might hear at a bar or wherever you’re hanging out with friends … send us ideas for stories you could tell on the radio about a time when you, or a friend, relative, spouse, parent, co-worker etc., happened to be high and went through something that they’ll never forget and maybe even learned something from.”
Odds are TAL will probably even let you submit if you are not Puff N Tuff. If you seek stoner stardom, make your pitch to sohigh@thislife.org.
Puff on.