UPDATE 5:50 p.m.: According to a Cal Fire spokesperson, today’s fire occurred at a motorhome near Homestead Road north of Blocksburg. The fire spread into a small nearby structure. Then spread slightly into the surrounding vegetation. 

However, Alderpoint Volunteer Fire Department was quickly on scene. Cal Fire responded rapidly with three engines, one helicopter, one air attack plane, and one air tanker. The crews were able to put out the fire before it spread too far. 

The fire is estimated to have caused about $50,000 damage and the cause is still under investigation but believed to be accidental.


UPDATE 2:40 p.m.: A local resident said that the fire in the Larabee subdivision of Blocksburg appears to be under control. We’ve a call into Cal Fire for more specifics.


Original post: According to scanner traffic, there has been a report of a structure fire that has spread to vegetation in the Blocksburg area. Reporting party is stating that there is a propane tank possibly involved

Fire crews are responding.—Cal Fire, Bridgeville fire, Alderpoint Fire and Redway water tender en route. We will update as soon as we have more information.