Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office press release:

On 03-03-2014, at approximately 2:30 p.m. a citizen came to the Sheriff’s Office and reported her son, Tracy Edward Johnson, 39 years old, was in possession of  illegal weapons. The citizen said Johnson was staying at her residence in the 2400 block of Eel River Drive, Loleta. The citizen told the investigating deputy he showed up at her home approximately two weeks earlier with what appeared to be assault weapons and pistols.  The citizen told the deputy that Johnson had a history of violence, just got off parole, and was not allowed to legally possess firearms. She added she was afraid Johnson would use the weapons against law enforcement if he knew law enforcement was coming for the weapons. The citizen gave the deputies consent to search her residence.  

On 3-3-2014, .at approximately 3:30 p.m., deputies drove to the citizen’s residence and knocked on the door. Johnson, who was home alone, answered the door and then attempted to close it on the deputies.  As deputies entered the residence, Johnson moved towards a couch which was a few feet away. Deputies detained Johnson in handcuffs for their safety. Deputies located two loaded stolen rifles behind the couch and a loaded stolen semi auto handgun under the seat cushion of the couch.

Deputies learned the weapons were stolen from a locked vehicle in the 2300 block of Bongio Court, Eureka between 2-17-2014 and 02-22-14.  H.C.S.O . Case 201400862.

Deputies located additional stolen property in the residence, along with pepper spray and syringes. Johnson was arrested for being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm, being a convicted felon in possession of a loaded stolen firearm, criminal storage of a firearm, illegal possession of an assault weapon, being a felon in possession of ammunition, grant theft, possession of stolen property and being a felon in possession of tear gas. He was transported and booked into the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where his bail was set at $50,000.

Anyone with information for the Sheriff’s Office regarding this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Sheriffs Office at 707-445-7251 or the Sheriffs Office Crime Tip line at 707-268-2539.