They came, they saw, they arts ‘n’ crafted.
Before a raucous, sold out Arcata Playhouse crowd, local creative reuse nonprofit SCRAP Humboldt again staged their colorful Rebel Craft Rumble, a night of Iron Chef-meets-Project Runway live crafting glue gun duels.
Four teams — the Sparkle Ninjas, the Serious Scavengers, Wrappers Delight and the Arcata Playhouse Arts Annex All-stars — took to the stage for a brutal two-rounds of competition. In the end, Alison “Whipstitch” Poklemba and Mindy “Purple Ninja” Hiley of the Sparkle Ninjas, stood tall, craftily out-crafting their artsy adversaries to be named 2014 champions.
Humboldt rumbled. Get a taste of the bedlam in the video below shot by local video whiz Turner Bazen.
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Your hosts, Mike Dronkers and Johanna “Vanna Off-white” Nagan
This year’s opinionated judging panel: Taylor Depew, Michel Sargent, Amy Jester and Jill Moore
Sparkle Ninjas: Alison “Whipstitch” Poklemba and Mindy “Purple Ninja” Hiley
Wrappers Delight: Emily “Miss Bakes-A-Lot” Chapman and KateRS-One Hutchings
Serious Scavengers: Nifty Nicoletta and Prosser the Prancing Pirate
Arcata Playhouse Arts Annex All-Stars: Malia Matsumoto and Lush Newton
Event organizer Tibora Girczyc-Blum with this year’s winners
Oh, what the hell. Let’s Vine: