Photo of Hydrocodone by Guian Bolisay. Flickr Creative Commons License.
Hollie Maready, a United States Postal Service supervisor in Crescent City, has been charged with three counts of felony burglary, and is suspected of stealing U.S. Postal Service deliveries containing pain medication reports the Del Norte Triplicate.
Del Norte County District Attorney Dale Trigg told the Outpost that Maready will be arraigned tomorrow afternoon.
“The three burglary charges that I filed all relate to her entering homes with an intent to commit a theft from the home,” Trigg said.
The Triplicate also reports that veterans in Del Norte County have filed complaints for years regarding missing pills from pain medication deliveries.
A multi-agency investigation was conducted, but never yielded results. However, links between the recent burglaries and mail thefts are being investigated. The Sheriff’s Office reports that both crimes involve pain medication theft and require detailed knowledge of the USPS deliveries.
More information will be available tomorrow afternoon following Maready’s arraignment.