This sunny Friday morn, damn near every Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office employee convened inside the brand-spankin’ shiny new Sequoia Conference Center in Eureka (seriously, so nice) for a semi-regular Command Inspection and Award Ceremony. The event allowed Humboldt County Sheriff Mike Downey a rare chance to address the lion’s share of his people face-to-face and he used the opportunity to discuss the impacts of Measure Z on the department, to introduce new hires, to honor the lifesaving efforts of a few deputies and to join the rest of his uniformed folk for a smiley group photo in front of a giant digital American flag.
The Measure Z affect was apparent in the room. During the event, Downey introduced many his department’s recent hires — eight new sheriff’s deputies and six correctional officers, as well as some community service officers and civilian employees. He called the recent recruitment efforts the most ambitious he’s seen in his three decades with the department.
“The voters of Humboldt County spoke very clearly last November, placing a high importance on public safety.” Downey said. “It imperative that we as an organization get it right and let the public know that we recognize their trust in us.”
Downey said that the last few years had been challenging ones due to the pressures added by prison realignment and Prop 47 but that the new hires would result in a much healthier department.
Sheriff Mike Downey presents an award to Deputy Blake Massaro
The proceedings also featured the delivery of Lifesaving Awards handed out by Sheriff’s Downey to a handful of deputies who’d served admirably in recent months. They were as follows (details cribbed from Downey’s notes):
- Deputy Sheriff Blake Massaro: On April 10, 2015, victim Melicio Luna-Sandoval had fallen on a sharp object and was bleeding from a serious leg wound. Deputy Sheriff Massaro applied a combat application tourniquet to the wound while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Deputy Massaro’s efforts saved the life of the injured man.
- Correctional Deputies James Senestraro and Anthony Besselieu-Hill: On April 30, 2015, correctional deputies Senestraro and Besselieu-Hill provided lifesaving measures to inmate Benaiah Tabbytite after finding him hanging in a jail cell. The efforts of the deputies saved the life of the inmate.
- Correctional Deputy Leo Basler: On April 10, 2015, Correctional Deputy Basler provided lifesaving measures to inmate John Torres after finding him hanging in a jail cell. Deputy Basler’s efforts saved the life of the inmate.
The Sequoia Conference Center is sparkly
Andy Broese Van Groenou leads an opening prayer
A moment of silence for fallen colleague Rich Schlesiger
Sheriff Downey greeted and glanced at over 100 of his deputies during command inspection
Squeeze in, everyone