“Apparently not even the plants are safe!”

So writes Primal Decor owner and Humboldt Roller Derby founder Jennifer McMahon on her Facebook page after enduring the unpleasant experience of having some particularly fleshy foliage filched from out front of her piercing business in Myrtletown over the weekend. Security camera footage shows the thief snagging what McMahon describes as “high-end exotic succulents” from a bed and tossing them in a sack. As you might expect, she’d like to know whodunnit (video below).

Kinda like this

“[T]he cost isn’t what I’m sad about the most,” McMahon writes on Facebook. “Jason and I never get to vacation and in 18 yrs we took our second one ever. We drove down the coast and stopped at this really cool nursery in Half Moon Bay. We spent hours enjoying our time there and picking these out. To watch this gross, rude human just pillage our property is so upsetting. I’ll move on but if there’s a small chance in recovery I am going to take it.”

McMahon has contacted the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office but, since the plants retail for around $300, she assumes the case is not a high priority. Silver lining: While she is understandably irked by her loss, she told LoCO that she’s received some replacement succulents from clients, family, friends and local businesses.

“It reminds me how special Humboldt is,” McMahon said. “We lift each other up.”

If you happen to recognize the plant snatcher, ring up Primal Decor at 445-2609.