Attention friends, comrades and fellow travelers!

In keeping with the Outpost’s mission to catalog the ways in which Humboldt County touches on this season’s boffo presidential election, please find attached, below, former Eurekan David Cobb’s interview with Wikileaks Supreme Leader for Life Julian Assange at the Green Party National Convention!

Cobb, you will recall, was the Green Party presidential candidate back in 2004, when he still resided near Ross Park. The party at the time was still suffering from a post-Nader hangover, and Cobb controversially decided that he wouldn’t run so hard in places like Ohio or Florida, where he gnomically counseled citizens to “vote their conscience.” Those citizens were supposed to interpret this as “for God’s sake please vote for John Kerry and not me.”

This caused a mass hullabaloo in Green Party circles, especially when Nader himself decided to get back into the game at the last minute. Ralph failed to steal the Green nomination from Cobb, and the whole affair engendered many bitter feelings all around. Greenies of a more Jacobin bent saw Cobb as a traitor to the cause, or — possibly worse — just a straight-up pussy.

But all has been forgiven, apparently, because here is Cobb on stage in Houston this weekend, given the prestigious task of interviewing the great Assange via videolink from his spidey-hole in the London Ecuadorian embassy.

“He must be released immediately and compensated!” Cobb exclaims of the convention’s virtual guest, while technicians fiddle with the knobs. Cobb further kills time by complimenting Assange’s suit, then it’s off to the meat of the matter — the treasure trove of emails Assange acquired from Russian hackers, which outline the treachery of the Democratic National Committee to the martyred Bernie Sanders.

Apologies for the poor quality of the video above, which was apparently shot on current Green Party nominee Jill Stein’s cell phone. Here’s a truncated version from Democracy Now!, in which most of the Cobb bits have been edited out, so as to better focus on Assange’s pronouncements: