Approximate location of the rescue.
We’ll have more information on this later today, no doubt, but it’s worth pointing y’all to the “Scanner Traffic Indicates” chronicle of events last night and this morning, as LoCO STI crew member “Just-In” caught a crazy midnight rescue on the Eel River near Redcrest.
Here are the first two entries:
11:36 p.m. just-in |
Holmes Flat Search & Rescue, RP rec’d call from friend who was trying to cross the river at Holmes Flat but vehicle got stuck, now it’s being washed downstream, black Toyota 4-Runner, unk exact location. HCSO responding Code 3; attempting to call out Coast Guard & other resources  |
11:42 p.m. just-in |
HCSO Dispatcher on phone with the trapped person, he’s been floating downstream about 30 minutes, roof of truck is about 1-foot above water level, his phone battery won’t last much longer, but he will call back on 9-1-1- to help them get his lat/long. He’s wearing a sweater & jeans but is still dry  |
Check out here and here for the rest. It seems to end happily. We’ll update when we know more.