UPDATE, Feb. 29: Humboldt State has issued a warning to its community about the man arrested in this incident:

Justin Farris Patrick — Black male adult, 6’-0”, 200 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes.

Patrick was arrested on Friday, Feb. 26, for lewd public acts. Patrick allegedly approached a woman seated at a table on the second floor of the Library, stood over her shoulder touching his genitals through his clothing while continuing to talk to her. His behavior made her feel threatened and he ignored her repeated requests that he leave her alone. Patrick was arrested and transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility.

Patrick has been ordered to stay away from campus for a minimum of 7 days.


From HSU:

University Police Officers arrested Justin F. Patrick, of Oakland, Calif., for lewd behavior in the University Library today.

Patrick approached a woman seated at a table on the second floor of the Library, stood over her shoulder touching his genitals through his clothing while continuing to talk to her. His behavior made her feel threatened and he ignored her repeated requests that he leave her alone. 

Patrick was transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility on misdemeanor charges. Patrick could face felony charges if a subsequent background check returns prior arrests of the same nature.