Chris Chandler, known to most as Chris, passed away at St. Joseph
Hospital on Saturday, August 5th. He was 70 years old. He is survived
by his mother Ruth Chandler, sister Linda Chandler, two daughters, Calista Chandler and Jacy Chandler, and two nieces, Jenny Moeller and
Meagan Madahar.
Chris was many things — among them a Vietnam vet, metalworker, builder, carpenter, mechanic, tree feller, problem-solver, avid reader and go-to guy for practical and technical advice. A conspiracy buff with strong opinions, a black coffee habit and a cigarette perpetually burning in his hand, he could never pass up a chocolate chip cookie or a corny joke.
He was an incredible father, brother, son and a beloved friend to many. Always quick with a wise crack and a laugh, in one conversation he could convey some of the most intelligent, common sense ideas, as well as some of the most outlandish anyone had ever heard. With an incredible head for all things mechanical, he could build, repair or invent pretty much anything. His beloved vintage blue Land Rover, which pulled many people out of difficult situations over the years, had become a Piercy fixture. Chris was a voracious reader; on quiet days he would often read an entire book, only taking breaks to refill his coffee mug.
He will be dearly missed.
A community gathering and potluck to celebrate his life will be held at the Piercy Community Center at 80651 Highway 271, on Sunday, August 20th, from 2-5 p.m.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Chris Chandler’s family. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.