Photos: Andrew Goff.

The Humboldt County Drug Task Force has descended upon a home on the 1500 block of Eureka’s Sixth Street, just west of Myrtle.

The task force’s Lt. Bryan Quenell tells the Outpost at the scene that his squad is at the scene to serve a search warrant pertaining to the sales of narcotics at the home. They’re in the early stages of their investigation and plan to be on scene for several more hours, Quenell said, but they’ve already discovered meth, heroin and marijuana on the premises.

Two people — a man and a woman — have been detained. We’ll update when we know more.

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UPDATE, 7:10 p.m.: Lt. Quenell tells us that officers found a little over a gram of methamphetamine at the residence. However, no heroin or marijuana was found as the Outpost and other media had previously reported. The warrant issued mentioned the narcotics mentioned above. The Outpost regrets the mixup. Both of the detained parties were ultimately released at the scene. The investigation is ongoing. —Andrew Goff