(PHOTO) Armed Robbery at Fortuna Chevron; Seems Unlikely, But Can You Identify This Ski-Masked Suspect?
Not the best security camera still ever but, hey, give it your best shot. Fortuna Police Department press release below:
On March 8, 2017 at 4:39 AM, a subject wearing a ski mask entered Chevron gas station mini mart located on the 800 block of Main St. The subject was wearing a heavy brown jacket and kept his left hand in the jacket pocket. The front of the pocket had a tear and the suspect was displaying what appeared to be a gun barrel through the opening of the pocket.
The suspect approached the clerk and demanded cash. The suspect took an undisclosed amount of cash from the register and cash drop box and then fled on foot, last seen running south on 9th St.
Responding officers searched the area and located the suspects brown jacket on the 800 block of L St. and located the ski mask and some dropped cash on the 500 block of 9th St.
The suspect is a white male adult, 5‘6 to 5‘10 and believed to be in his 20’s.
Anyone with information about this crime is asked to contact the Fortuna Police Department at 725-7550 or the WeTip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME.