Press release from Mill Creek 1 Fire incident command:

Mill Creek 1 Fire Update

Date of Detection: August 16, 2018
Current Size: 2,240 acres
Location: Mill Creek North of Hoopa California, Hoopa Indian Reservation
Legal Description: Latitude: 41ᵒ 8’ 24” Longitude: 123ᵒ 39’ 36”
Cause: Arson
Containment: 26%
Resources on Fire: There are currently 248 personnel on this incident

FIRE UPDATE: The fire was active last night. The fire made a significant run across Mill Creek Road, approximately 150 acres. Fire continued to back to the west toward Highway 96. Established containment lines around the rest of the fire held. Today, resources will use direct attack to catch the fire where it crossed at Mill Creek Road overnight. A structure protection group will begin working in the community today assisted by the Hoopa Valley Volunteer Fire Department. Resources will continue to hold the fire along Highway 96 keeping the fire east of the highway and the Trinity River.

Smoke is an issue for those living in and around Hoopa Valley. You can find a detailed description of the Air Quality Index at this site. A resource advisor (ARA), assigned to the Team, will be doing smoke forecasting for Hoopa Valley and Eureka.  We want to encourage everyone who has issues with the level of smoke in the valley to stay inside or visit the clean air sites located in Hoopa. Smoke is driven by terrain-influenced winds that are unique to each location and valley. The current weather pattern is not expected to change in the next few days so the daily timing of peak impacts will not change but the magnitude may increase if the Mill Creek 1 and other wildfires continue to grow.

School will be delayed due to the closure of Highway 96. Please go to the school district website for further information.

California State Highway 96 is closed from Bull Creek to Mill Creek due to fire behavior. Traffic is being redirected through Dowd Road. This is for the safety of the public as well as for crews and aerial resources working on the fire. As soon as it is safe for public travel the highway will be reopened.

Attention - The Mill Creek 1 Fire was caused by arson on Tribal lands near Hoopa, California. There is a $10,000 reward offered for information regarding the fire. Calls will be taken on an anonymous hotline by calling 1-800-468-4402.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Get the latest fire updates on the Hoopa Fire Department and Office of Emergency Services Facebook Page at:

or check fire updates for Mill Creek 1, and throughout the country on Inciweb at