Want to Run for Office in Eureka? Bring It! Filing Period Starts Next Week
Step up, candidate! You could be Eureka’s next Mayor or Councilmember! The City of Eureka walks you through how to pursue your next ambition in the press release below:
Filing dates for nomination papers to serve as Mayor or Councilmember begin July 16, 2018 through
August 10, 2018, at 5:00 P.M. Nomination papers will be available at the City Clerk’s Office, Room 208,
City Hall, 531 ‘K” Street, Eureka, beginning July 16
th at 8:00 A.M., and must be filed with the City Clerk no
later than the August 10th deadline. Nominations will be accepted for the following offices:
Mayor: Full term of four years
Council Member, First Ward: Full term of four years
Council Member, Third Ward: Full term of four years
Council Member, Fifth Ward: Full term of four years
The Eureka Charter requires that anyone filing for the office of Mayor, must be 25 years old and a
registered voter and resident of the City of Eureka. Those individuals interested in a Council position
must be a registered voter and resident of the Ward they wish to represent.
Please call Pam Powell, City Clerk for more information or to set up an appointment to review and
receive nominations papers.