BEWARE! Driving on Myrtle Avenue is Going to Be a Big Pain Starting Next Week
City of Eureka press release:
Over the last few weeks, motorists and residents have likely noticed City crews working in Myrtle Avenue near
the intersection of 8th Street. The activity was prompted by a rapidly-developing sinkhole. After much work to
determine the cause of the sinkhole, it was determined that a storm drain line deep beneath Myrtle Avenue had
partially collapsed. A video inspection of the culvert revealed multiple joint and other failures in the nearly 100-
year old pipe. In order to protect the roadway and critical infrastructure within it, the city will be abandoning the
pipe and installing a new, larger pipe adjacent to the existing culvert. The new culvert will be designed and sized
to accommodate large storm events and provide for fish passage.
Next week: Avoid this area if you can!
Due to the size and depth of the new culvert, the construction operation will require the full width of Myrtle
Avenue to be excavated. Rather than close the road and detour traffic on to other City streets, the City has
decided to build a temporary bypass road around the construction site. Upon completion of the bypass road
construction will begin on the installation of the new culvert.
Members of the public who frequent Myrtle Avenue are advised to seek alternate routes. While a temporary
bypass route will be provided, it will not be paved and will be slow moving. Access to the Eureka Skate Park and
other businesses/residences in the area will be maintained, but will be impacted as a result of the new bypass
configuration. For those who cannot (or choose not to) use an alternate route, please allow for additional travel
time to and from your destination, and be aware of workers and equipment within the construction area.
Construction is expected to be completed before winter, with Myrtle Avenue being re-opened as soon as
Construction activities will require traffic on Myrtle Avenue to be moved to the bypass route on Monday
October 7th. Motorists are advised to seek alternate routes as delays will be likely. Thank you in advance for your
patience and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the City of Eureka’s Department of Public
Works at (707) 441-4203.