James Francis (Pete) Toste passed away on August 22, 2019. He was born October 17, 1951 and resided more recently in Ferndale. He spent most of his adult life as a licensed Electrician which he really enjoyed. We received this very special tribute to Pete from the love of his live, his ex-wife, Teri, and we thought we would share it with all of you:
How amazing it has been to be loved by your brother and by all of you! Although he fought many demons, as we all do, he was kind, generous, funny, protective, unselfish, humble, a hard worker, made friends easily, tender, genuine and patient. He was always willing to give his time and talents for the benefit of others. He put the needs of his family, the needs of the kids, and my mom before his own. He reminded me of Peter in the Bible. Once he was saved, he was not ashamed to tell others about Jesus. Bold, brave, impulsive and loved fishing!
Camping with him was easy…making a pantry, a 2-section shower enclosure, cutting 2-chords of wood for our morning and evening fires, a barbeque-r extraordinaire and great Pedro player! One time he played Pedro wearing water goggles. He made everything more fun! Just a few months ago we spoke of how we were both so thankful for the amazing memories we share together. Though we were apart, he was my hero, the love of my life. He lived his life to the fullest and now he is home with his Savior.
2 Corinthians 5:8 “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.”
Pete is survived by his four siblings, Stephanie Koch, Mike, Ken and George Toste all of Ferndale. Donations may be made in his honor to Toste Family Scholarship fund c/o Ferndale Union High School, Ferndale.
Please join us in celebrating Pete’s life on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 2-4 p.m. at the home of George and Tina Toste, 890 Dillon Road, Ferndale.
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The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Pete Toste’s family. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.